Rainbow Family Tree

tell your story - change the world!

Digital Storytelling workshops often start with a kind of warm and fuzzy story circle… despite mutual awkwardness it’s an important step in building trust.

We often look at some sample stories, like ‘Blue for Boys? Pink for Girls?’ and ‘Back to Happiness’ and talk about who we’d like to share our stories with…

Of course this workshop is a bit different because we’re not necessarily making digital stories but rather

using digital platforms and tools to share our creative activism.

So we’ll look at some examples of what we think works and doesn’t work.

We’ll experiment with things like photographic taichi and twitter haikus.

We probably won’t change the world on day one but we’ll start building connections among ourselves and then, gradually, with a wider community… including, eventually, some of the people who we think ‘don’t get us’.

Maybe some insight on pronouns directed at a medical service provider?

Or an illustrated storybook for submission to the parliamentary committee that is updating the Sexual Reassignment Act?


If you’re even vaguely curious about the role of social media and creative storytelling for everyday activism - register on Facebook or email sonja@incitestories.com.au.


Nothing to lose and good company – and closer to winning an iPad Air 2!

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