Rainbow Family Tree

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Bronwen McClelland
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Bronwen McClelland's Friends

  • Son Vivienne
  • Belinda
  • Melina MIchelle Magdalena
  • Riki OB
  • Rev Leanne Jenski
  • Rainbow Family Tree

Bronwen McClelland's Page

Profile Information

What would you most like to change about the world that you live in?
justice for all
enough food and love to go around
What can you do to make it happen?
keep planting vegies
work for justice where I see injustice
practice hospitality, welcome and love in my every-day
When you're not busy changing the world, what do you do for fun?
read. cook. eat. laugh. play. ride my bike.

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At 10:00 on February 14, 2011, Rainbow Family Tree said…

Hiya Bronwen... your story and plan to share it with people who need better insight into what's going on for our families sounds excellent. Here's a link to an account of a face to face 'visit your mp' encounter from the pink parents group!

Re: recording mp3s from digital piano - I have no specific experience but I'd think it was perhaps possible to cable mac to piano for direct feed? You could google piano name/make and search for a help forum where somebody else will inevitably have posed the same problem? Otherwise I guess you could set up mac running audacity to record ambient room audio but without a decent microphone I think the sound quality would be pretty ordinary. Give me a call on the mobile if you get stuck and I'll see if I can think of anything else... Cheers Sonja

At 13:44 on September 9, 2009, Rainbow Family Tree said…
No problem Bronwen... I think you should just hang in there with the group, keep participating with activities if you can! You might surprise yourself and finish in good time... the deadline is pretty generous and it'll be easier if you're able to take advantage of the tech support we're offering in the time frame of this workshop! Plus it'd be cool to see your piece on the big screen at the FEAST launch... In any case, no pressure and it's lovely to have you along for the ride ; )
At 12:12 on September 8, 2009, Rainbow Family Tree said…
Hi Bronwen... in answer to your question - who posts where and when? I must admit the whole enterprise is an ongoing experiment... as you've noticed I've set up different groups and asked everybody to get involved wherever they see fit... however there IS a core group of workshop participants that I had recruited (and spoken to on the phone) in the weeks prior to kick off. they're all clear (hopefully) on the deadlines and outcomes of this SHine/Incite Stories round (ie need to sign legal release allowing us to screen your finished story at FEAST, as part of educational DVD, on the website). My plan is that there will be other workshops following... and eventually the whole thing may become 'self-sustaining'. In any case, I'm more than happy for you (and Melina) to get actively involved here and now... but are you happy to get your finished product out there with the others from this round? Let me know...

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