Rainbow Family Tree

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I claim T as my letter but it's not either of the Ts on offer ... btw - I don't do T altho I have contemplated it at times. (that's a joke) The term transensual femme was coined around 2002 by a group of (mostly) dykes who found themselves often on the outside of the lesbian community being neither butch enough nor lipstick enough (or overlipsticked) to be recognised. Furthermore there seemed to be a theme running that most of the women were attracted to or very close friends with trans men (although there was a massive outrage about the notion that we may be defined by this) and were struggling with new identity issues ie: if now attracted to men, were we heterosexual, bisexual, something else? What did that mean about our status in the lesbian community and how to use some of the new privileges of being in a "straight" couple plus what if our partners were stealth? How to continue to navigate the queer community? Check out new book by Del Lagrace Volcano and Ulrika Dahl "Femmes of Power"

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Hey there GLBTTIQ and friends!!! Well, I came out as Bi when I was 15yrs, then realised I identified as Trans when I was 23yrs and now identify as Male, but also Queer/Gay and Pan/Bi depending who I'm talking with (some people really dont understand Pansexual or even Bisexual for that matter). I suppose I also consider myself Intersexed, but not in the technical sense.
: )
Does that answer the question?


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